My Liberal Pie Hole

Friday, November 11, 2005

Weird Beard

I have a boyfriend.

I call him Weird Beard.

Yes, my husband knows.

Actually, this particular admirer is suffering from an unrequited love for me. (I warned you all that I am vain!!!) He is this FREAK ON A LEASH that my work hired four months ago. He is more than twice my age and becomes fanatical about anything that catches his interest: a PAC-10 football team, the local minor league baseball team, and me.

I made the mistake of being nice to him when he started where we work. You can not be nice to these types of people. I had covered his job in the interim of hiring for his position. I helped train him when he began. I gave him tips on who not to talk to, who he could trust and engaged in football banter.

Big mistake. Huge. It had been 2 months, and he had become increasingly annoying/obsessive. After realizing he was giving me just a bit too much attention, and dealing with sarcastic “when did you two start dating” comments from my co-workers, I started my hasty retreat.

Another big mistake. Even bigger this time due to the fact that when someone is obsessed, and feel the object they covet slipping away, they grasp tighter. It has become a sort of dodging game now.

Let me lay it out for you:
1) He has no reason to come to my end of the building but does so routinely through out the day. So much so that I have his footfall memorized and run when I hear the decent of his distinct cadence approaching. In fact, he just made his 3rd trip by and it is only about 10 AM.

2) He speaks in a loud voice and asks why we aren’t “bonding” anymore. He whines that I have become distant and cold. Stop laughing, I am not joking.

3) My network of spies (co-workers whom I adore) calls me when they see him coming. If they know I cannot get out in time, one of the guys usually comes to interrupt him with “vital” work for me.

4) When he does trap me in my cubicle, he stands very close. Close enough that sometimes I can feel his breath on the back of my neck when he sneaks up on me.

5) About a month ago I wore a nicer than normal outfit to work, substituting the normal slacks and sweater for a nice skirt. Old WB stopped in the middle of what he was saying, looked me up and down and told me I was “breathtaking”.

6) He leaves me notes on my desk and once a week has me cover for him when he travels to one of our out of town vendors. He is not in my department, and yes, there are much more relevant employees who could do this for him. He just enjoys the opportunity of interacting with me in a situation where I cannot run away

7) He has taken to hiding around corners and catching me off guard. No, I am not exaggerating.

So, you see, my dear reader, that Weird Beard is not only a bit smitten, but also very creepy. I have since spent the last two months being as rude as I can to him in an office setting. Neither one of us has our own office where I could close the door and tell him to “BACK THE FUCK OFF” privately, and I refuse to get HR involved in something I feel that I should be able to handle myself. I may crack someday soon, and go off on him in front of everyone.

Shit, there he goes again.


At 1:36 PM, Blogger Meegan said...

Gross. There is always a creepy co-worker around, no matter what the job.

(Be careful writing about work, though!)

At 1:43 PM, Blogger Liz said...

last post about work.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Chief Slacker said...

Well if that's not a ticking time bomb waiting.. ;O)

At 4:45 PM, Blogger TLP said...

I'm not laughing. 'Cause this could get scary. Don't feel guilty about this. You half sound as if you think that you helped create the situation when you were nice to him. You didn't do anything wrong. This is HIM. He's the problem. Normal guys don't act this way.

Watch your back. Please.

At 5:02 PM, Blogger Pseudo-intellectual lunatic said...

nice blog

At 7:49 PM, Blogger Liz said...


Welcome to my space! I am so happy you dropped in!

I am the most lib chicka you will meet. I know I didn't encourage WB in this matter. I am a very strong and assertive person, and if there really was a threat, I would head straight to HR.

I was afraid that this post might be misunderstood by people who don't really know me.

WB is not truly freaking me out, more just irritation for a desperate man who needs affection and attention. I can tell the difference. He is just pathetic.

Now, when you see Meegan start to wig out, that is when you know there is a problem. She is my litmus test strip. She knows when I am ok, and when I need help.

But thank you for the concern. It shows that you are a considerate and thoughtful person. Glad to have you on board, TAN!!!!

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Jack said...

WB sounds very creepy. Do you have conference rooms at work that you could talk to him privately in? I've done that when I've had issues with coworkers.

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Jenni said...

I had the exact same situation happen with an old boss...only he would also call me incessantly on the weekends until I picked up my phone and would sing Barry White into the reciever. When he would sit next to me in meetings I would have to have the whole "personal space, this is my space" conversation...Every. Single. Time. Anyway, long story short, this went on for 2 years even after I had conversations with him about it. A new girl started and he started in on her and she contacted HR and got him fired. It was a whole long drawn out process and of course I got dragged in and I think my story was the straw that broke the camels back...but you can't say I didn't warn him!

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Esther said...

That's really creepy. Apparently I'm good at being stoic and mean when there's someone I don't like. I wish I could teach you how...

At 8:45 PM, Blogger Mrs. Geezerette said...

Wierd Beard reminds me a little of that creepy wiener (Noel Shempsky) on the Frasier Crane show who is always after Roz Doyle and who keeps suggesting to her that she must have the hots for him.

Be careful. What you have on your hands may not be funny.

At 8:45 AM, Blogger United We Lay said...

I'd get HR involved. This is unfair to you, and no doubt takign your mind off of your work (though that's probably a welcome distraction on occasion).

At 2:30 PM, Blogger Kyahgirl said...

Oh, this guy's behaviour is way beyond acceptable. Creepy and well... just creepy.
Not to be paranoid or anything but I'd start telling him to leave you alone, preferable with a witness and documenting it too. I tend to agree with polanco consulting. Nobody should have to put up with that crap at work. And if he didn't take any hints you dropped already, that's a bad sign.

good luck!

At 4:17 PM, Blogger dddragon said...

Please keep a journal of his actions. Ask your co-workers to do the same, if you feel comfortable doing so. You need to document his behavior - I find it frightening. Not only is it affecting your work, but that of your co-workers!

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Liz said...

Thank you, everyone, for your concern. As I wrote the post, I viewed it through my usual "find the humor" attitude. When I went back and just read the words, I realized that WB's actions are cause for concern. The fact is that I have asked him to back off, but I never was honest as to why. I guess I felt telling him to his face that he is creepy was just too cruel.

I will be speaking to my boss tomorrow.

I probably will not post about it, due to the fact that this was to be my one and only post regarding work. I have read the horror stories of people losing their jobs because of their blogs. Even though I work for a great company, I just feel I should keep it out of this space.

Before WB can come and talk to me tomorrow, I will lodge a formal complaint.

And if I drop off the face of the earth, just ask Meegan what happened. She will always be the first to know!

New post tomorrow!



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