Sophadopolis and her Auntie Lizard

My dear and sweet friend Emilie, whom I shall always refer to as “the Wench” (long story, another post), and her boyfriend-husband-to-be, Vinnie, just had their little baby girl two months ago. It seems like just yesterday when Em told me she was pregnant.
“You are no longer just a Lizard; you are going to be an Auntie Lizard!!!”
(FYI – the Wench is the only person who can get away with calling me Lizard.)
The Wench, being raised by hippies, refused to choose a name for her daughter until she was born and could look at her. She felt once she came face to face with her daughter, the perfect name would come to mind.
Not so much.
For over a week after this perfect little one’s arrival, I was still referring to her as the No Name Slob.
Finally, after much debate and ado, little No Name was christened Sophie. We call her Sophadopolis. No, I don’t know why. Keep in mind, this is coming from some one who calls me Lizard, and whom I refer to as the Wench.
Any way, after receiving permission, I am marking my fourth post as Sophie’s Big Debut!!!!! Ain’t she a looker???
She sure is a looker, but then so are you -- great photo.
BTW, why did you write her name as "Sofie" the other day in an email to me?
And...when are you going to open your liberal pie hole? I've been waiting patiently.
Sophie is absolutely beautiful. I love "Sophadopolis". Good thing, though, that it won't be the name she'll have to learn to write!
M~ you are a Spelling Nazi.
I think it was in the title, right?
That would be Angie's spelling, not mine. She took the pics and sent them to me with that title. I just didn't change it.
And thank you for your unwavering friendship, and support, but I still have about 20 lbs to go. At least I avoided calling myself “the whale in the polka dot skirt”.
Make way people!!!! Shamu coming through!!!
As for my libber rants, you will just have to wait for something to piss me off! Right now, the neo-con’s seem to be self destructing and Bush has a 2% approval rating with African Americans (which is within the margin of error~ that is right people, there could be more black people that hate Bush than actually exist in the US). The rest of the country has given him the lowest polls EVER, worse than Nixon. So, you see, I am just sittin pretty right where I am.
Have no fear; something big will set me off soon. I would have said something about Bush’s speech on Veteran’s Day, but the Washington Post took care of that for me.
So cute! And when you said your friend was a hippie I got scared for a minute that Sophadopolis was her full name.
LOL, I'm with Esther on that. I really thought that was Sophie's name.
She really is adorable. Cute as a button :)
She's such a little cutie!
Keep trying Sophie - you can fit that whole fist in if you try hard enough!
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