My Liberal Pie Hole

Monday, November 14, 2005

Emilie, the Survivor

To the Asshole who car jacked my friend Emilie at gun point Saturday night:

You better hope I never find you.

You better pray that the police get you first.

I will tie you down and find uses for a pair of pliers and sand paper that you could never even dream of. I would not only come after you, but you friends, too. I bet your friends know what you do. Someone had to be driving the other car. Someone who knows your name. Knows who you are, and where you live.

You cannot hide forever. And even if the police never catch you, remember: there is a God, and fate, and karma. If this is the type of person you are, then I can only imagine the type of people you surround yourself with. If they are as violent and unstable as you, then you are not long for this earth. You will die the way you live.

I am so filled with rage and desolation right now; I don’t know what to do. I know I was not the victim of this crime, but I am distraught. I am shaking. I am crying at my desk.

All I can ask is “why? Why her?”

I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to her. She made it out of the situation physically ok. Mentally, she was shaken. The more she talks about it, the better she feels. I guess that is why I am sharing this with you; I hope it makes me feel better.

I won’t for a while, though.

Fuck. This sucks.


At 12:44 PM, Blogger East Coast Teacher said...

Damn bastard.

I'm really glad your friend is ok. Like you said, the karma will come back to bite him in the ass.

Payback sucks.

He'll get his.

At 12:52 PM, Blogger Liz said...

thanks, Girlie.

glad you had such a great weekend with you-know-who.

post about it soon!!!

At 4:18 PM, Blogger Meegan said...

Where the heck was she? Now I'm scared to come home for Christmas. (Yes, I feel safer in NYC!) She didn't have Sophie in the car, did she?

Remember how you saw those guys approach you on Sixth Ave (I think) and saw a gun in one of the guy's pockets? This is freaky. Were her doors locked?

At 6:48 PM, Blogger Esther said...

that's really creepy. glad to hear she's ok, and yes those guys will get what's coming to them.

At 8:17 PM, Blogger LoraLoo said...

At least she is okay. Seriously shaken, I'm sure... but okay.

I hope someone finds this ass-clown and he gets what's coming to him.

At 5:54 AM, Blogger Jack said...

Oh my god! I'm so happy that Emilie is safe.

I don't understand people sometimes. I really don't.

At 6:55 AM, Blogger Liz said...

thanks all. Em should be getting on sometime today. i hope she signs on as "the wench"


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