My Liberal Pie Hole

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Jesus is gonna be pissed!

I cannot say that I feel sorry for the Bushes. This is what happens when you align yourself with an extremist group like the Religious Right. The Bush Family issued Holiday Cards instead of Christmas cards, and every RR supporter Bush has is up in arms about it. ( over Fox “News” Network, O’Reilly and Hannity and the like have declared that there is a liberal war on Christmas; that we, as liberals, are trying to stamp it out of the American public culture. Being a liberal and celebrating Christmas myself, I find this odd. But, considering that they have their heads up their collective ass on most issues, I let it pass. I see enough around me to know that as long as we live in a capitalist society, Christmas will never die. Up until three days ago, Bill O’Reilly himself was hocking “holiday” ornaments, as opposed to Christmas ornaments on his “No Spin Zone” web site.

My entire problem with the RR is that they are shoving not just religion, but their personal interpretation of Christianity down our throats. Who are they to tell us not to shop in a store because it doesn’t advertise Christmas, but holiday sales? Who are they to demand of the companies operating in a free market how they can and cannot merchandise the season? This time of year, there are many reasons people are celebrating: Chanukah, Kwanzaa, and both secular and non-secular Christmas. If you feel that this is a time of year to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus (who, if I am remembering correctly, was actually born closer to June than December) then have at it. But in America, we are supposed to be free of religious oppression. This means two things: practice any religion you want, and be free of the influence of the ones you do not.

Like it or not, not every American is Christian. Bush is the president for all Americans, and for once in his miserable career, someone on his staff made the right decision by choosing to include everyone by using the word “Holiday” over “Christmas”.

(As a side note, does anyone else find it odd that the RR never get mad about using a Pagan symbol like a tree for this most sacred holiday?)


At 1:10 PM, Blogger Jack said...

Interestingly enough - Bush had 'Holiday' on the 2004 and 2003 versions of the christmas card too. Why does Bush hate christ?

And the 'assault on christmas' idea is nothing new either.

How the secular humanist grinch didn't steal Christmas

The John Birch Society was trying to sell this nonsense back in 1959.

At 6:36 PM, Blogger Meegan said...

Great post. The fact that they are getting their panties in a twist about this is so ridiculous. For once, why don't they spend their time doing something to help others instead of attacking others? Isn't that what Jesus would have done? GET A LIFE, fundamentalist Christians. Or, as our VP (you know, the one who is a member of the "family values" party) is so fond of saying, GO F--- YOURSELVES.

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Liz said...

Don't you mean "panties in a Frist"?

At 5:12 AM, Blogger Esther said...

I for one think this whole thing is stupid. If George Bush is Christian, then have a Christmas tree. My only caveat is that if by some chance someone is ever elected as President that celebrates an entirely different religion, they should be able to decorate as they see fit.

In the meantime, the term Holiday Tree is ridiculous. I mean, it's a Christmas tree, and there's no two ways around it.

At 11:42 AM, Blogger Lisa said...


Are you saying that since GW is the Prez, that he has no right to send out Xmas cards celebrating a religion he believes in? If I may punt on this, I would bet that he only sent those cards out to his supporters, who, Christian or not, don't care, but appreciate the thought.

If you are Christian, and Kerry was Prez, would you not be offended if we Conservatives took offense to Kerry's celebration of a holiday he believed in? Of course you would, you'd be SCREAMING that Kerry has the right to celebrate what he believes in.

The constitution reads that there cannot be an government sanctioned religion, and trust me when I say sending out Christmas cards is NOT an establishment of religion. Neither is singing Xmas songs at school. I used to bring German cookies to school, am I being preferencial to the German culture over, let's say, Irish culture, because I didn't ALSO bring Irish cookies? You can't include everyone, so why not just be tolerant of ANY celebration, religious or cultural, at any time of year? Hell, if this occurs at a school, kids might actually LEARN from all the celebrations.

Raising your right hand and swearing on a bible in court is an establishment of religion. Or marriage, that's also an establishment of religion. Maybe instead of being married, we should all be civil unioned, because that's different.

If this is a country where their is freedom of/from religion, doesn't it sound oxymoronic to criticize a person, Prez or not, for celebrating what they believe in? If by chance you DO receive one of GW's cards, do you not have the freedom to throw it out? And, if you read the card, does that mean Bush is imposing his beliefs on you, or just celebrating a time of year that you too believe in?

This is the season for CHRISTmas, and "holiday" sounds down right petty and re-inventive. What is stupid to me, is if someone complains that our country's offices are celebrating CHRISTmas, and yet they go out to take advantage of the sales at the stores. Maybe there should be a boycott of Xmas shopping. Or Xmas tree farms. Or Xmas breaks.

Maybe while we're at it we should get rid of summer breaks, because that is giving preference to farmers and not fair to city dwellers. How dare we give time off to tend the fields, when not all children live on a farm? If you think it sounds stupid, you are right. But it makes just as much sense as trying to squash out Christmas.

Do you REALLY think Kwannza (sp?) is a holiday? It's not, it's more comparable to a German Fest than Christmas, given that it was created in the 60's by a black professor trying to have African Americans remember their culture.

Would you be offended if Lieberman sent out Hannukah cards? I wouldn't be. You know Bush still lit a menorah (sp?). No one is complaining about that.

This makes as much sense as someone saying our country is too dependant on oil, and that person still drives a car.

Ok, rant over.

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Liz said...

It is funny that when I see you type now, I no longer feel you are screaming at me. 

I think you misunderstood me on this: I think W did the correct thing this time. What I was criticizing were his RR followers who were angry with him for not saying Christmas. I feel that they are the ones who are getting it wrong. They can and are throwing the Holiday greetings out. The Bushes not only want to say Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, but respect the fact that others will be celebrating their own traditions, religious or otherwise, and they are wishing them a happy holiday as well. Why should the president only address the Christian Americans? Laura is good about including all Americans in White House holiday observances. As for Lieberman, he is not the prez, and therefore it is not quite the same thing. And summer vacation has nothing to do with freedom of religion, so I think the point is kind of mute. Kwanzaa to me is not as established as the more traditional celebrations, but if that is what one chooses to celebrate, then good for them.

And writing Xmas does not take the Christ out of it. X stands for the Greek Chi, which is short hand for Christ.

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