My Liberal Pie Hole

Friday, December 16, 2005

what the F*CK is that supposed to mean?

Well, it has been over a week since I last posted. I have been so swamped at work and busy with Christmas, that I have had no time or brain power to dedicate to the blog. But something did happen this morning:

Last night I got a hair cut, which I think is very flattering. My stylist was excited (she and I are friends, so I don’t get any false praise, trust me) and then I had dinner with my family, and they loved it. Especially my husband.

I get to work this morning, and a coworker looks at me and says “what happened to your hair?”

So I tell her “I got it cut”

And she replies “oh, well, turn around and let me see it”

So I do.

“Oh, I guess I see it.”

See what? What the style is supposed to be? I know this is a girl thing, but if you do not like what someone has done with their hair, make up, outfit, etc., keep it to yourself! I did not ask for her opinion. I did not care about her opinion, until she spouted off. Now, I am wondering if all my coworkers think my hair is ugly.

She came back for round 2 and the conversation went the same way, only this time she asked if I was wearing makeup too. I wear makeup every day.

Some times I think people just look for ways to be mean.


At 9:34 AM, Blogger FINY said...

Maybe she didn't really recognize that you had gotten a hair cut and just thought you looked different somehow?

Still, you don't say "Oh I see it" you say "Oh that looks great".

I hate people.

At 10:07 AM, Blogger East Coast Teacher said...

She's probably just jealous because you look better than she does.

And that's her way of trying to be all 'holier than thou.'

And I agree - people suck.

But at least it's Friday :)

At 10:33 AM, Blogger Liz said...

Thank you for the support, my chickas! This woman is prone to mood swings, especially when she is irritated by something that is prone to be homosexual (in her opinion). Last night, her 10 year old son was playing basketball, and he was supposed to be on the “skins” team. She flipped out. She said it was totally inappropriate for her son to do that. He either had to be on the shirts team, or not play at all. Yes, she saw this as homosexual in nature. It wasn’t about being proper, she just felt that it was too close to something sexual. 10 year old boys playing basketball? Please! So, this morning, she comes in, in a total snit about “fags” (that word makes me cringe, and I do not let people use it around me, because it is hate speech.) and there is a story in the paper I am reading about Broke Back Mountain. Well, it just set her off again. Now she is pissy about everything, from my hair to those homos who are trying to “destroy” marriage. I told her that our hetero community has already screwed it up enough, why not let the other half have at it? She didn’t like that answer.

What really bothers me is that she is black, and is busy discriminating others. I really feel that she of all people should know how it feels to suffer appalling treatment at the hands of others, so why perpetuate it? Why not just live and let live? But, it is like talking to a brick wall.

There is enough hate in this world. We should all just be kind to each other.

BEgirlie ~ I really wish you were gonna be with BJ in NYC in January! I am going to really miss meeting you! Maybe we can call you one night.

At 10:56 AM, Blogger Meegan said...

Argh! Obviously this woman has some serious problems. I'll be the judge of whether your hair looks good or not. Obviously I don't even have to see it to know that it looks good. People are freaks.

At 11:55 AM, Blogger Liz said...

Not that you would be biased to my side, though, huh M?

At 1:20 AM, Blogger kimikokopuff said...

i say this is what you do...when you see her again ask her what she has done to her hair, eyes, lips, etc, because you really like it. and then maybe wink at her.

my guess is she goes home at night, looks in the mirror and says, oh i wish i looked like liz, oh, i wish i looked like liz.

then maybe put a picture of the men from brokeback mountain on your desk ( i really want to see that movie by the way!)

At 5:22 AM, Blogger Esther said...

That's so mean! Some people just don't have any social skills. Maybe you should get her a Christmas present of a book on how to act in public.


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